What delicious dessert says “D.C.” as soon as it hits your mouth? The Makes-Me-Wanna SHOUT! Baking Challenge is launching a campaign to find D.C.’s Signature Dessert. We got your nominations and these 3 delicious dessert will be on the ballot–and a write in of course (in case you missed the nominating deadline). Thanks to everyone who submitted your dessert picks for the ballot. Your DC dessert stories were wonderful and will be included in the campaign.

Cherry Pie

Fruit (TBD) Cobbler

Sweet Potato Pie
Stay tuned for D.C.’s Signature Dessert nominees’ stories and a yummy campaign.
Washington, D.C. is now a capital food city, home of Bon Appetit magazine’s #1 Best New Restaurant in the U.S. for 2014. Sure, D.C.’s not a state like our neighbor Maryland where Smith Island Cake is the official state dessert. [Go to this Wikipedia link for the list of state foods and desserts.] But we have a D.C. State Fair and we have great food and talented people who make and bake great food here in the District of Columbia. It’s also a place people call home.
After 3 years of making and baking memories in Washington, DC thanks to our enthusiastic home bakers and the growing food community, the Baking Challenge think it’s time for D.C. to have its own home-grown signature dessert everyone can enjoy. And inspiration for talented bakers of all ages.